Each piercing prices will vary. With earlobe piercings being the cheapest and our genital piercings being our highest-priced piercing. When you get a new piercing you will want to leave your piercing jewellery in for 12 weeks before changing it and refrain from leaving your jewellery out within the first year of getting your new piercing as it will close up if you do!
We have a range of piercing jewellery you can choose from and an even larger range once you have fully healed. When you come in we will run you through your piercing options, both styles and colours, so you can pick what will best suit your look!
Piercing Prices
Ear Lobes:
Single lobe with stud $35
Double lobe with stud $70
Single lobe with ring $75
Double lobe with ring $150
Single lobe with flat-back $85
Double lobe with flat-back $170
Vertical/Hidden Helix:
Labret or Barbell with plain balls $90
Helix & Conch:
Labret stud with plain ball $80
Labret stud with gem ball $90
¾ Hinge Ring $100
Labret stud with plain ball $85
Labret stud with gem ball $95
Forward Helix:
Teflon bar with plain ball $80
Teflon bar with gem ball $90
Teflon bar with plain ball $80
Teflon bar with gem ball $90
Anti Tragus/Snug:
Teflon with plain balls $110
Teflon with plain balls $90
Surface Bar:
Staple bar $180
Teflon bar with plain balls $90
Teflon bar with plain balls $140
Daith & Septum:
Double ball closure ring $100
¾ Hinge ring $100
Single ball closure ring $100
Industrial Bar:
Barbell $100
Stud $90
Custom D-ring $85
Dermal Anchor $90
Teflon labret plain ball $85
Teflon labret with gem $95
Teflon labret plain ball $105
Teflon labret with gem $115
Vertical Labret/Angel Bite:
Teflon bar with plain ball $140
Barbell $90
Snake Eyes:
PTFE Barbell $145
Bendt Barbell $90
Ball Closure ring $100
Teflon bar Steel with gems or plain gold balls $85
Single nipple teflon bar $80
Double nipple teflon bar $150
Per piercing $160